Forsyth County – Alpharetta Chiropractor Comments:

A good friend and colleague of mine, chiropractor, specializing in pregnancy and children, Dr. Heather Davis... out of Kennesaw, GA... emailed me a youtube video of her turning a breech baby! Here's the email Dr. Davis sent me about this amazing technigue that she has mastered:

Dr. Meininger:

I am excited to share a recent experience with you and anyone that you feel may benefit. You may have already heard about the amazing chiropractic adjustment that helps breech babies to get into the proper head down position. I may have also shared with you that I personally benefited from this adjustment, The Webster’s Adjustment, when I was pregnant with my daughter. The Webster’s Adjustment is one of the most amazing things I have ever experienced as a doctor and although I have seen many babies turn following the adjustment, everyone is a miracle! I have been certified in this technique and performing it for nearly ten years. It is extremely safe and gentle for both Mom & Baby however, some expectant moms are apprehensive about getting adjusted if they are not already familiar with chiropractic.

This is an attempt to help put all fears to rest for moms, dads and their birth practitioners. I recently performed the Webster’s Adjustment on a mom that was 37 weeks pregnant and the baby turned after just one adjustment! This mom very generously agreed to allow us to video her getting adjusted and to share her testimonial. Her baby not only turned head down but, she describes a decrease in lower back pain, swelling in her feet and indigestion! This is a great video for any expectant mom that is wondering if chiropractic is an option for her but, especially if she has a baby in any position other that the ideal head down position.

Please feel free to pass on this link to anyone that you feel may benefit.

Best regards,
Dr. Heather Davis

For more information on children and chiropractic or pregnancy and chiropractic, please call our office at 770-777-0900 and visit our website at

Our office hours are Mon, Wed and Fri between 2:00pm and 7:00pm and Tues and Thurs between 10:00am - 1:00pm