Dr. Kurt Meininger, Forsyth County, Alpharetta-Cumming Chiropractor Offers No Waiting, No Hassles, Same-Day Relief For Back and Neck Pain Sufferers:

Your life is busy... you're in a hurry... waiting in line... waiting for calls... always waiting. But when it comes to getting pain relief... waiting is just out of the question.

South Forsyth Chiropractic, located between Alpharetta and Cumming understands. We've delivered effective back and neck pain treatment to trusted clients since 1992. Our office provides immediate walk-in service, with most patients in and out within just 30 minutes or less.

In fact, you do not even need an appointment... just walk in during open hours (Mon., Wed. & Fri.: 10:00am - 1:00pm and 4:00pm - 7:00pm)... and you'll be seen quickly!

We work with each client individually to address your specific complaints, offering advanced non-surgical pain-relieving therapies. Patients frequently realize immediate alleviation of symptoms, whether facing a simple sprain/strain or a chronic disc problem.

Our safe, therapeutic services include modern chiropractic care (manual manipulation or low-force instrumentation), back and neck traction, electrical muscle stimulation, core-strengthening exercises, deep tissue fascia-muscle stretching, low-level (cold) laser therapy, pressure point therapy and nutritional/diet counseling. We work hard to make each visit a wonderful experience. Your satisfaction is our top priority.

Routine appointments are available via convenient phone scheduling... but are not necessary. Get the urgent pain relief you want when you need it the most. Visit South Forsyth Chiropractic; 5670 Atlanta Highway; Ste. C-1; Alpharetta, GA 30004 today.

Dr. Meininger’s treatment has been successful with chronic back and neck pain, degenerative or herniated discs, Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, pinched nerves, headaches, sciatica, Fibromyalgia, whiplash and all sorts of sports-related injuries.

For complete details call Dr. Meininger's office at 770-777-0900.

South Forsyth County - Alpharetta-Cumming Chiropractor Reports:

Here's What You Need To Know To Quickly And Easily Boost Your Immune System... This Will Help Protect You Against Any Flu Virus - Including The H1N1 - Swine Flu Virus!

The H1N1 - Swine Flu Virus is quickly spreading all over the world. You can't control the outcome… but you can take action and boost your immune system.

Here's The Secret:

1) Boost your immune system with Vitamin C - aka - (Ascorbic Acid)!

First of all, if you tried Vitamin C in the past and it didn’t seem to work… that’s because most of the tablet forms available on the market are too weak and ineffective. Those tablets go in one end and out the other. I’ve heard numerous times that our digestive system only assimilates approximately 10% - 20% of the tablet. It is a waste of time and money to take those big tablets!

Bottom Line:

Buy Vitamin C - (Ascorbic Acid) only in it's true “POWDER” form! The drug store doesn’t carry the powder form… so you have to go to a special vitamin or nutritional store - etc. Also – you need to only get the powder form - NOT the crystal form or NOT a combination of Vitamin C plus Calcium... JUST THE PURE POWDER!

Vitamin C – powder: How much do you need to take when you’re HEALTHY and how much do you need to take when you’re SICK?

Here’s a SIMPLE way to determine how much Vitamin C your body requires WHEN YOU’RE HEALTHY:

Take 1/2 teaspoon of the Vitamin C powder (approx. 2500 mg)… mixed in water… and see if it makes you “gassy”… or have diarrhea. If so… that amount is TOO much… then… the next day… test 1/4 of a teaspoon. Once you figure that out… that’s how much Vitamin C your body requires at a “healthy” state.

Everyone in your family might require different amounts of Vitamin C powder, when their healthy, so you’ll have to follow this formula for each individual.

How much Vitamin C your body requires WHEN YOU’RE SICK?

When you start feeling a fever coming on… or you start to catch a “cold” - etc… START TAKING THE VITAMIN C MORE OFTEN! You can take your usual dosage once every 4 hours throughout the day until you feel better. When you’re “SICK” – your body will utilize every single molecule… so you won’t get “gassy” or get diarrhea! Just remember to separate the Vitamin C from any medications you might be taking because they don't mix very well.


2) Boost your immune system with CHIROPRACTIC spinal manipulation!

Yes - This is very important! Since the beginning of time, it has been a known fact that the immune system is directly linked to the nervous system. If it’s been a while since you last got treated by your chiropractor… make a call today and get back on a regular schedule of treatment.

Your nervous system and immune system respond expedientially when you get chiropractic treatments… when you're sick or even when you’re already feeling good and healthy! Trust me… you’ll figure this out quickly.


1) Avoid large groups of people...
2) Wash hands often...
3) Buy a face “mask” now… instead of waiting...
4) Clean surfaces of shopping carts/public restrooms...
5) Be careful in the emergency rooms / hospitals…

6) Thoroughly cook meats (meat/fish)...


Here’s what you need to know about the H1N1 - Swine Flu virus:

H1N1 - Swine Flu FACTS: The 2009 outbreak of swine flu occurred in Mexico. This is a variant of the H1N1 strain responsible for the 1918 pandemic… which infected over two million (2,000,000) Americans and killed over five hundred thousand (500,000) Americans! This current mutated variant was first identified in Mexico City and the surrounding area in March to April 2009. Within a few weeks, thousands of people had been infected and the amount of people who have died, so far, is unknown. The Mexican government has introduced emergency measures, and sparked a coordinated international effort to contain the outbreak, which involved quarantine measures, restrictions in travel and stockpiling of treatments. This outbreak prompted the World Health Organization, on April 26, 2009 to declare the world one step closer to a pandemic, by raising the pandemic alert level from 3 to 4. Phase 4 refers to when there are small clusters -- e.g., <25>(Excerpt from Wikipedia.com - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Influenza)


**This is for informational purposes only… and not intended for medical advice. Although Vitamin C is a safe and natural supplement, if you have any medical problems or questions concerning Vitamin C… please consult your primary physician.

To schedule a complimentary consultation and learn how we can improve your immune system, just call our office at 770-777-0900 and visit our website at

Our standard business hours are: Monday, Wednesday and Friday between 2:00 PM and 7:00 PM and Tuesday and Thursday between 10:00 AM and 1:00 PM.

South Forsyth County – Alpharetta-Cumming Chiropractor And Non-Drug Back Pain Doctor Reports:

Each year in the United States, 70 million prescriptions are written for anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs). In 2006, the estimated cost to consumers of pain management drugs around the world was $30 billion. Due to the fact that 5.4 percent of NSAID users develop serious bleeding conditions requiring hospitalization, each year 103,000 Americans are hospitalized and 16,500 die due to long-term NSAID use.

The annual medical cost of NSAID-related GI complications is $3.9 billion dollars. The 16,500 deaths each year caused by NSAID drugs is more than five times greater than the number of Americans killed during the 9/11 terrorist attacks, and it accounts for one-third of the total cost of treating arthritis.

Just one FDA-approved anti-inflammatory drug, was estimated to have caused between 88,000 and 138,000 serious heart events, including heart attacks and strokes leading to death.

The number of Americans killed by this particular drug exceeds the number of Americans killed in both the Vietnam War and the War on Iraq (I and II) combined! Remarkably, up to 42% of physicians in the United States and the United Kingdom remain unaware of the dangerous side effects of anti-inflammatory medications.

To schedule a complimentary consultation and learn how we can improve your back or neck pain without NSAIDs, just call our office at 770-777-0900 and visit our website at http://www.painreliefcare.com

Our standard business hours are: Monday, Wednesday and Friday between 2:00 PM and 7:00 PM and Tuesday and Thursday between 10:00 AM and 1:00 PM.

South Forsyth County – Alpharetta-Cumming Chiropractor Reports:

As if it wasn’t already bad enough for smokers, now researchers report there is another hazard from smoking that is just as difficult to get rid of.

It’s called "third-hand smoke" and is an invisible gas that clings to smoker’s hair, clothes… and… just about everything smoke comes in contact with. This gas is toxic and lingers long after visible smoke is gone.

According to a January 3, 2009 New York Times article, "The residue includes heavy metals, carcinogens and even radioactive materials that young children can get on their hands and ingest, especially if they’re crawling or playing on the floor."
By now, just about everyone knows that second-hand smoke is bad; but, this new finding makes the situation much worse.

Dr. Jonathan P. Winickoff, the lead author of the study and an Assistant Professor of Pediatrics at Harvard Medical School, had this to say in the Reuters article: "When their kids are out of the house, [parents] might smoke. Or they smoke in the car. Or they strap the kid in the car seat in the back and crack the window and smoke, and they think it’s okay because the second-hand smoke isn’t getting to their kids" Dr. Winickoff continued. "We needed a term to describe these tobacco toxins that aren’t visible."

It looks like quitting is still the best option.

To schedule a complimentary consultation and learn how we can improve your overall health, just call our office at 770-777-0900 and visit our website at http://www.painreliefcare.com

Our standard business hours are: Monday, Wednesday and Friday between 2:00 PM and 7:00 PM and Tuesday and Thursday between 10:00 AM and 1:00 PM.

South Forsyth County – Alpharetta-Cumming Chiropractor Reports:

On January 9, 2009, Reuters reported that Americans may start to reduce the amount of money they spend on food. One might think this would lead to weight loss.

On the contrary, experts think this will lead to weight gain. And they point to numerous studies that link obesity and unhealthy eating habits to low income. They surmise as money gets tough, people will cut out more expensive foods such as fresh fruits and vegetables in favor of foods high in saturated fats and sugars.

Adam Drewnowski, the Director of the Nutrition Sciences Program at the University of Washington in Seattle, had this quote in the Reuters article, "In Seattle we have found that there are fivefold differences in obesity rates depending on the zip code -- the low-income zip codes have a much higher proportion of obese people."

The article also stated that "studies in California suggested that a 10 percent rise in poverty translates into about a 6 percent increase in obesity among adults."
Some evidence of all this is already manifesting. McDonald’s, with its high fat and calorie "Dollar Menu", is still doing well. Third quarter profits were actually better than average. Whole Foods (which sells organic, natural and gourmet foods) has seen profits drop with the economy.

What the Reuters article did not mention was exercise. It would be interesting to know if a worsening of the economy translates to people exercising less.

Gym memberships are thought of as a luxury and many people quit exercising when stress increases, even though exercise is one of the first things you should do when stressed out. Exercise is a great stress reliever – not to mention all the other health benefits.

The combination of eating cheaper "junk" food and lack of exercise may not only be a prescription for weight gain – it can be deadly. Eating correctly and exercising should be the LAST things you cut out of your budget.

To schedule a complimentary consultation and learn how we can help you improve your overall health including Diet and Weight Loss, just call our office at 770-777-0900 and visit our website at http://www.painreliefcare.com

Our standard business hours are: Monday, Wednesday and Friday between 2:00 PM and 7:00 PM and Tuesday and Thursday between 10:00 AM and 1:00 PM.

South Forsyth County – Alpharetta-Cumming Chiropractor And Back Pain Doctor Reports:

Have you ever considered who the best is suited to treat back pain? Since there are so many treatment options available today, it is quite challenging to make this decision without a little help.

To facilitate, a study looking at this very question compared the effectiveness between medical and chiropractic intervention. Over a 4-year time frame, 2780 patients were followed (initial, 2-week, 1, 3, 6, 12, 24, and 48 month intervals) with questionnaires. Both acute (symptoms <7weeks)>7weeks) low back pain (LBP) patients were treated using conventional approaches by both the MDs and chiropractors. Treatments from the chiropractors included spinal manipulation, physical therapy, an exercise plan, and self-care education. Medical therapies included prescription drugs, an exercise plan, self-care advice and about 25% of the patients received physical therapy.

The study focused on present pain severity and functional disability (activity interference) measured by questionnaires that were mailed to the patients.

It was reported that chiropractic was favored over medical treatment in the following areas:

- Pain relief in the first 12 months (more evident in the chronic patients)
- When LBP pain radiated below the knee (more evident in the chronic patients)
- Chronic LBP patients with no leg pain (during the first 3 months)

Similar trends favoring chiropractic were seen for disability but were of smaller magnitude. All patient groups saw significant improvement in both pain and disability over the four year study period. Acute patients saw the greatest degree of improvement with many achieving symptom relief after 3 months of care. Noteworthy, at the 3 year point, ½ to ¾ of all the patients reported at least 30 days of pain during the prior year including those that responded well after early treatment. Also, 19 to 27% of chronic LBP patients noted daily pain during the prior year. This suggests that LBP is more likely to return at times in the future, which many have similarly reported to be true.

However, this study also found that early intervention reduced chronic pain and, at year 3, those acute LBP patients that received early intervention reported fewer days of LBP that those that waited longer for treatment. While both MDs and chiropractic treatment approaches helped, it’s quite clear from the information reported that chiropractic treatment approaches should be utilized first.

These findings support the importance of early intervention by chiropractic physicians makes the most sense for those of you struggling with the question of who to see for your LBP.

To schedule a complimentary consultation and learn how our comprehensive Back Pain treatment may be of benefit to you or a loved one, just call our office at 770-777-0900 and visit our website at

Our standard business hours are: Monday, Wednesday and Friday between 2:00 PM and 7:00 PM and Tuesday and Thursday between 10:00 AM and 1:00 PM.

South Forsyth County – Alpharetta-Cumming Chiropractor And Wrist Pain - Carpal Tunnel
Syndrome Doctor Reports:

Many patients ask whether I treat conditions like wrist pain - carpal tunnel syndrome. Once it is clear that we do indeed treat this common condition, the discussion turns to the topic of the different treatment strategies that exist. Usually patients are surprised to learn that chiropractic and low-level laser therapy approaches are very effective for this condition. In fact, questions about CTS frequently do not occur until after a few visits addressing other complaints, as patients often do not associate chiropractors as a treatment option for CTS.

Interestingly, it is the rule rather than the exception that carpal tunnel syndrome is accompanied with other conditions also caused by repetitive types of activities such as work duties and/or hobbies. Therefore, a very important treatment strategy is educating the patient about the causes of CTS and other repetitive motion injuries that usually accompany CTS. It is important to include information regarding four common aspects that relate to causation, which include: 1. Force, 2. Repetition, 3. Faulty posture, and, 4. No rest time. The net result of these four items is overuse injuries referred to as cumulative trauma disorders (CTDs).

One of the leading types of CTDs is wrist pain - carpal tunnel syndrome. However, because over utilization typically precedes the onset of carpal tunnel syndrome, other types of conditions affecting the entire upper extremity such as tennis elbow, shoulder bursitis, as well as neck pain secondary to muscle guarding must be included in the evaluation process. Once all the conditions are identified, the next important aspect in the management process is gaining an understanding of the patient's work and/or hobbies as a successful outcome is dependent on identifying faulty workstations and modifying the work environment so that repetitive forces in awkward positions can be corrected. The most successful management approaches stem from discussions with the patient regarding these important aspects of the condition, as the most effective treatment approach may be totally ineffective without rectifying a faulty workstation.

An example of a common workstation cause includes placing a computer keyboard on top of a desk instead of underneath the desk in a pull out type of drawer. This is because any extreme position of the wrist when it has to bend to 90 degrees creates significant pressure inside the carpal tunnel as the nine tendons inside the tunnel slide back and forth during finger movements. If the forearms are resting on the edge of the desk while typing on the keyboard, this adds to the pressure and increased friction to the sliding tendons resulting in tendonitis, or inflammation of the tendons. Because the carpal tunnel is a small confined space where a nerve and 9 tendons pass from the forearm into the hand, even a small amount of swelling will result in excessive pressure inside the tunnel, pushing the nerve upwards into the roof of the tunnel or, the ligament that crosses the wrist. This results in numbness, tingling and eventually weakness and complaints such as difficulty in buttoning shirt, picking up small objects like pins, or unscrewing jar are common.

Once the workstation is properly modified and the patient is properly educated so that excessive, repetitive forces can be minimized, treatment approaches addressing each individual injured region from the neck to the hand will be much more effective. We encourage you to ask us about managing your carpal tunnel complaints and look forward to helping you, your family or friends who have this problem.

For more information on non-surgical treatment options for Carpal Tunnel Syndrome - Wrist Pain please go to my website and request my FREE 16 page report specifically on Carpal Tunnel Syndrome!

To schedule a complimentary consultation and learn how our comprehensive Car crash and whiplash injury treatment may be of benefit to you or a loved one, just call our office at 770-777-0900 and visit our website at http://www.painreliefcare.com

Our standard business hours are: Monday, Wednesday and Friday between 2:00 PM and 7:00 PM and Tuesday and Thursday between 10:00 AM and 1:00 PM.

South Forsyth County – Alpharetta-Cumming Chiropractor And Fibromyalgia Doctor Reports:

Fibromyalgia (FM) has long been considered a condition involving the soft tissues of the body, that is, the muscles, ligaments, tendons and fascia. It is defined as “a chronic, generalized pain condition associated with symptoms of fatigue, stiffness, and sleep disturbance and is characterized by the physical findings of local tenderness in many specific but widely dispersed sites. Fibromyalgia is the most common cause of widespread pain. The prevalence of this disorder in the general population is between 3% and 5%... Most patients with fibromyalgia remain symptomatic for several years, and no cure has been identified." Disturbances in the central nervous system (CNS) have also been linked to this condition.

In one study, 168 FM patients had the CNS evaluated by hearing tests, eye movement tests, and a test that evaluates balance/dizziness. Abnormal findings were common in the FM patient group compared to non-FM subjects. Another study utilized an electrical current treatment approach through the skull to stimulate part of the brain to see if that would help a group of patients with FM. Two different parts of the brain were stimulated as well as a sham or fake treatment approach. One of two parts of the brain that was stimulated resulted in reductions of pain that lasted for three weeks and mild improvements in quality of life were reported.

Comparing 287 general practitioners (GPs), 160 orthopedists, 160 physiatrists, and 160 rheumatologists, evaluating a patient injured in a motor vehicle crash, those most likely to diagnose FM were rheumatologists (83%) with physiatrists and GPs in the middle at 60% and 71%, respectively. Orthopedists were least likely at 29%. There were five factors found to be important in the respondent's agreement or disagreement with the FM diagnosis:

- The number of FM cases diagnosed weekly by the respondent (strong predictor).
- The patient's gender (females > males was a strong predictor).
- The force of the initial impact (least important).
- The patient's psychiatric history before the trauma (more important).
- The initial injury severity (least important).

This information is important as the shift from considering FM to be strictly a condition of the muscles and other soft tissues to being a condition of the central nervous system will affect our future treatment strategies. Obtaining multiple opinions from various types of practitioners will most likely result in a variety of opinions.

Previous reports of treatment benefit utilizing chiropractic approaches, exercise, and strategies to facilitate sleep restoration remain strong in the management process of FM.

To schedule a complimentary consultation and learn how our comprehensive Fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue treatment may be of benefit to you or a loved one, just call our office at 770-777-0900 and visit our website at

Our standard business hours are: Monday, Wednesday and Friday between 2:00 PM and 7:00 PM and Tuesday and Thursday between 10:00 AM and 1:00 PM.

South Forsyth County – Alpharetta-Cumming Chiropractor And Headache Doctor Reports:

One of the reported causes of both migraine and tension headache is cervical muscle tension and spinal joint abnormalities in the neck. When considering treatment for headaches, whether it’s a tension-type or migraine, there are many choices available. The question is which of the many options offer the best benefit?

One study compared the effectiveness of physical therapy (PT) to that of relaxation and thermal biofeedback (RTB). Both groups were treated using one of these approaches, and if at least a 50% improvement was not achieved, the other form of treatment was then utilized. Results were calculated at 3, 6, and 12 month timeframes. The PT group of 30 females used standard physical therapy approaches that included:

- Posture correction for alignment of head and spine
- Cervical range of motion for neck and shoulders
- Isometric strengthening of the neck
- Flare-up management techniques
- Active self mobilization of the spine
- Whole body stretching

The goal was to target muscular abnormalities and those in this group were to perform the above twice per day for 30 min. The RTB group were instructed in relaxation and thermal biofeedback (RTB) treatment that focused on muscle relaxation, breathing exercises, and the use of a thermal feedback device that determines when the subject’s temperature changes telling them if they are successfully relaxing. The participants were to practice at home and utilized audiotapes for relaxation and monitor success with the portable biofeedback unit.

Using the PT approaches, only 13% reported a successful outcome compared to 51% in the RTB group.

In the follow-up of 3, 6 and 12 months, both groups reported continued benefit. When the subjects reported less than 50% benefit with either method, they were given the other treatment option, and the PT approach achieved a 47% success rate and the RTB 50%. These findings suggest that treatments that focus on muscle tension reduction (such as the RTB group) might result in a better outcome compared to only addressing posture, range of motion and flexibility. However, as illustrated in the follow-up group, PT did have a positive beneficial effect. An important point – the subjects in the RTB group demonstrated the ability to reduce migraine pain and the associated disability by using a self-applied form of care. When teaching the patient to self-manage their condition by instruction and training, the greater the likelihood is for a successful outcome.

Chiropractic focuses on many self-management training procedures including (but not limited to) the training of the use of ice vs. heat, application of pressure point therapy, strengthening and stretching exercises, proper methods of bending and lifting, as well as ergonomics and posture. The use and instruction of relaxation is also a commonly recommended form of care, which this study found to be most beneficial.

To schedule a complimentary consultation and learn how our comprehensive headache and Migraine treatment may be of benefit to you or a loved one, just call our office at 770-777-0900 and visit our website at

Our standard business hours are: Monday, Wednesday and Friday between 2:00 PM and 7:00 PM and Tuesday and Thursday between 10:00 AM and 1:00 PM.

South Forsyth County – Alpharetta-Cumming Chiropractor And Whiplash-Car Accident Injury Doctor Comments:

You might have wondered, “Who should I go to for treatment of my whiplash injuries?” You have many choices available in healthcare ranging from drug related approaches such as narcotic medications to natural forms of treatment such as chiropractic, exercise, and meditation with many others in between. Trying to figure out which approach or perhaps combined approaches would best serve the needs of the presenting patient is truly challenging.

To help answer this question, one study reported the superiority of chiropractic management for patients with chronic whiplash, as well as which type of chronic whiplash patients responded best to the care. The research paper begins with the comment from a leading orthopedic medical journal stating, “Conventional treatment of patients with whiplash symptoms is disappointing.” In the study, there were 93 patients divided into three groups consisting of:

1) Group 1: Patients with a “coat-hanger” pain distribution (neck and upper shoulders) and loss of neck range of motion (ROM), but no neurological deficits;
2) Group 2: Patients with neurological problems (arm/hand numbness and/or weakness) plus neck pain and ROM loss; and,
3) Group 3: Patients that reported severe neck pain but had normal neck ROM and no neurological losses.

The average time from injury to first treatment was 12 months and an average of 19 treatments over a 4 month time frame was utilized. The patients were graded on a 4-point scale that described their symptoms before and after treatment.

Grade A patients were pain free;
Grade B patients reported their pain as a “nuisance;”
Grade C patients had partial activity limitations due to pain; and
Grade D patients were disabled.

Here are the results:
Group 1: 72% reported improvement as follows: 24% were asymptomatic, 24% improved by 2 grades, 24% by 1 grade, and 28% reported no improvement.
Group 2: 94% reported improvement as follows: 38% were asymptomatic, 43% improved by 2 grades, 13% by 1 grade, and 6% had no improvement.
Group 3: 27% reported improvement as follows: 0% were asymptomatic, 9% improved by 2 grades, 18% by 1 grade, 64% showed no improvement, and 9% got worse.

This study is very important as it illustrates how effective chiropractic care is for patients that have sustained a car crash with a resulting whiplash injury. It’s important to note that the type of patient presentation that responded best to care were those with neurological complaints and associated abnormal neck range of motion. This differs from other non-chiropractic studies where it is reported that patients with neurological dysfunction responded poorly when compared to a group similar to the Group A patient here (neck/shoulder pain, reduced neck ROM, and with normal neurological function).

1.Khan S, Cook J, Gargan M, Bannister G. A symptomatic classification of
whiplash injury and the implications for treatment. Journal of Orthopaedic
Medicine 1999;21(1):22-25
2.Woodward MN, Cook JCH, Gargan MF, Bannister GC. Chiropractic
treatment of chronic whiplash injuries. Injury 1996;27:643-645

To schedule a complimentary consultation and learn how our comprehensive car crash and whiplash injury treatment may be of benefit to you or a loved one, just call our office at 770-777-0900 and visit our website at

Our standard business hours are: Monday, Wednesday and Friday between 2:00 PM and 7:00 PM and Tuesday and Thursday between 10:00 AM and 1:00 PM.

South Forsyth County – Alpharetta-Cumming Chiropractor Reports:

Over the years there has been a great debate over organic versus non-organic foods. Do you really need to go organic… or… is it just a waste of money?

The Environmental Working Group (
www.ewg.org) is a nonprofit organization that advocates in Washington D.C. for policies that protect global and individual health. Among the many valuable services they provide is a Shoppers' Guide to Pesticides in Produce.

It is based on the results of nearly 43,000 pesticide tests performed on produce and collected by federal agencies between 2000 and 2004. Nearly all of the data used took into account how people typically wash and prepare produce - for example, apples were washed and bananas peeled before testing.

Of the 43 different fruit and vegetable categories tested, these had the
highest pesticide load, making them the most important to buy organic versions of or to grow organically yourself:

Peaches - Apples - Sweet bell peppers - Celery - Nectarines - Strawberries - Cherries - Lettuce - Grapes (imported) - Pears - Spinach - Potatoes

Of the 43 different fruit and vegetable categories tested, the following 12 foods do not have to be organic. These had the
lowest pesticide load, and consequently are the safest conventionally grown crops to consume from the standpoint of pesticide contamination:

Broccoli - Eggplant - Cabbage - Banana - Kiwi - Asparagus - Sweet peas (frozen) - Mango - Pineapple - Sweet corn (frozen) - Avocado - Onion

Why Should You Care About Pesticides?

The EWG points out that there is a growing consensus in the scientific community that small doses of pesticides and other chemicals can have adverse effects on health, especially during vulnerable periods such as fetal development and childhood.

A few other notes from the EWG: Nectarines had the highest percentage of samples that tested positive for pesticides (97.3 percent) followed by peaches (96.6 percent) and apples (93.6 percent). Peaches had the highest likelihood for multiple pesticides on a single sample: 86.6 percent had two or more pesticide residues.

For more information about how we can improve your overall health or for more information about our
pain relief services, please call our office at 770-777-0900 and visit our website at http://www.painreliefcare.com

Our standard business hours are: Monday, Wednesday and Friday between 2:00 PM and 7:00 PM and Tuesday and Thursday between 10:00 AM and 1:00 PM.

South Forsyth County – Alpharetta-Cumming Chiropractor Comments:

Coronary heart disease is the number one cause of death in the United States. Stroke is the number three cause of death in the United States and a leading cause of serious disability. That's why it's so important to reduce your risk factors, know the warning signs, and know how to respond quickly and properly if warning signs occur.

Heart Attack Warning Signs - Some heart attacks are sudden and intense — the "movie heart attack," where no one doubts what's happening. But most heart attacks start slowly, with mild pain or discomfort. Often, people affected aren't sure what's wrong and wait too long before getting help. Here are signs that can mean a heart attack is happening:

Chest discomfort. Most heart attacks involve discomfort in the center of the chest that lasts more than a few minutes, or that goes away and comes back. It can feel like uncomfortable pressure, squeezing, fullness or pain.

Discomfort in other areas of the upper body. Symptoms can include pain or discomfort in one or both arms, the back, neck, jaw or stomach.

Shortness of breath with or without chest discomfort.

Other signs may include breaking out in a cold sweat, nausea or lightheadedness.

For more information about how we can improve your overall health, exercise, diet or about our pain relief services, please call our office at 770-777-0900 and visit our website at

Our standard business hours are: Monday, Wednesday and Friday between 2:00 PM and 7:00 PM and Tuesday and Thursday between 10:00 AM and 1:00 PM.

South Forsyth County - Alpharetta-Cumming Chiropractor Reports:

A new study has just show that children whose mothers used cell phones frequently during pregnancy and who are themselves cell phone users are more likely to have behavior problems.

Researchers looked at a group of 13,159 children whose mothers had been recruited to participate in the Danish National Birth Cohort study early in their pregnancies. When the children reached age 7, mothers were asked to complete a questionnaire about their children's behavior and health, as well as the mother's own cell phone use in pregnancy and the child's use of cell phones.

After the researchers adjusted for factors that could influence the results, such as a mother's psychiatric problems and socioeconomic factors, children with both prenatal and postnatal cell phone exposure were 80 percent more likely to have abnormal or borderline scores on tests evaluating emotional problems, conduct problems, hyperactivity, or problems with peers.

Risks were higher for children exposed prenatally only, compared with those exposed only postnatal, but were lower than for children exposed at both time points. Kheifets and her colleagues note that a fetus' exposure to radiofrequency fields by a mother's cell phone use is likely very small.

However, they add, research has shown that children using cell phones are exposed to more radio frequency energy than adults, because their ears and brains are smaller. Because cell phone use was so infrequent among children in the study - 30 percent of kids were using a cell phone, but just 1 percent used a cell phone for more than an hour a week – radio frequency exposure seems unlikely to have caused any behavior problems, they say.

Researchers pointed out that there are other factors that could be involved (such as social-economic status and smoking) and that the results should not be over interpreted. More research needs to be done.

But the question remains: with more and more studies coming out linking cell phone use to potentially disastrous and life threatening health problems – should you wait for the research to be 100% sure? Or should you take steps immediately to reduce your potential risk. After all, there was a time when tobacco companies said there was no definitive proof that smoking was bad for you. Remember that?

What Steps Can You Take?

The first thing to understand is studies have shown that any dangers associated with cell phone use are related to the closeness of the antenna to the human body. So, head-set and hands-free devices protect the human body from adverse cell phone radiation. THIS DOES NOT INCLUDE BLUETOOTH DEVICES. It appears that Bluetooth devices may be “even worse” than using a standard cell phone in terms of microwave radiation.

There is also a product called the RF Raider that may effectively reduces up to 60% of the radiation exposure you get from your cell phone. If you are interested in learning more about this ingenious new device… just go to

Basically, you can stop using your cell phone, use an appropriate headset (not Bluetooth), or look into the RF Raider. A combination approach is probably the best.

More Dangers Of Cell Phone Use…

In case you don’t already know, a recent study has found a possible link between cell phone use and brain cancer. In fact, award winning Neurosurgeon, Dr. Vini Khurana, recently conducted a 15 month “critical review” of the link between mobile phones and malignant brain tumors and found…

Using Mobile Phones For More Than 10 Years Could More Than DOUBLE
The Risk Of Brain Cancer!

And listen to this… Dr. Khurana says people should avoid using them whenever possible and that governments and the mobile industry must take “immediate steps” to reduce their radiation.

This is so important because at the time of writing this, there are approximately 3 billion mobile phone users worldwide and a malignant brain tumor basically represents, according to Dr. Khurana, “a life-ending diagnosis.” Wow! And if that wasn’t bad enough… check this out:

For more information about how we can improve your overall health or about our pain relief services, please call our office at 770-777-0900 and visit our website at

Our standard business hours are: Monday, Wednesday and Friday between 2:00 PM and 7:00 PM and Tuesday and Thursday between 10:00 AM and 1:00 PM.

South Forsyth County – Alpharetta-Cumming Chiropractor And Back And Neck Pain Doctor Comments:

Most chiropractic patients have x-rays taken of their lumbar spine. Since x-rays do carry a very small risk of tissue damage, this risk needs to be outweighed by benefits. So, how are x-rays used in our clinic?

First, x-rays can tell us about medical conditions that may require referral to another health care provider such as a spine tumor or an infection. Fortunately, these diseases are very rare, but they do need to be considered in every patient, especially those who may have certain "red flags" such as back pain at night or rest, or if there is also a fever. In addition, certain severe traumas (like a fall) can produce fractures. In an older adult with osteoporosis, or someone taking steroid medications over years, even a minor trauma event can be enough to cause a break, because the bone is in a weakened condition.

After these very rare conditions are ruled out, your x-rays can provide important information about your anatomy and physical posture. For example, curvatures of the lumbar spine, such as scoliosis, are virtually undetectable without an x-ray. If we know how your spine is deviated, this information can help direct the adjustment more specifically. Sometimes leg lengths are uneven and a person may require an orthotic (arch support) or heel lift to level the foundation for your spine. About one in ten patients will have an unequal leg length of a centimeter or more.

In terms of the bone anatomy, x-rays can show the planes and angles of the disks between bones and whether any degeneration is present. If the degeneration is advanced, then a natural bone fusion may be present. It should be obvious that if the spinal anatomy does not allow movement or if the joints are literally fused movement is impossible, then manipulative adjustments are not appropriate… but low-force instrumental adjustments are utilized instead.

X-rays can also show us how one area of the spine mechanically compensates for a deviated area below. Sometimes, pain may be present at compensatory areas but without knowledge of the cause of this deviation, care may be less optimum. Just as the lumbar spine may compensate for a pelvic problem, so to can a neck condition be caused by abnormal postural lower down the spine. The x-rays can show us how case management needs to be altered to reflect your individual needs.

In any case, x-rays are important to reach an accurate diagnosis, which is the first step on the road to recovery and regaining your vitality and quality of life.

To schedule a complimentary consultation and learn how our comprehensive Back and Neck Pain program may be of benefit to you or a loved one regaining health, just call our office at 770-777-0900 and visit our website at

Our standard business hours are: Monday, Wednesday and Friday between 2:00 PM and 7:00 PM and Tuesday and Thursday between 10:00 AM and 1:00 PM.

South Forsyth County – Alpharetta-Cumming Chiropractor And Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Doctor Reports:

In a lot of cases, the body can naturally recover from any disease or injury. Although doctors have their place, it is really the wisdom of the body that does the heavy lifting. Chiropractic doctors especially, recognize this healing capacity: the body needs no help, just no interference. They refer to it as Innate or inborn intelligence. Others may revere it as Mother Nature. Scientists commonly call it homeostasis and when diseases heal over time it is called natural history or taking nature's course.

So what is the natural history of carpal tunnel syndrome? How will one fare over time? Recently, researchers looked into this question by studying 132 carpal tunnel syndrome patients over an average of two years (Ortiz-Corredor F, Enriquez F, Diaz-Ruiz J, Calambas N. Natural evolution of carpal tunnel syndrome in untreated patients. Clin Neurophysiol 2008;119(6):1373-8.). They studied objective nerve tests as well as patient reports of symptoms. None of the patients received treatment from any doctors. The results were impressive, only 23% had a worsening of their symptoms. About 29% stayed the same throughout the study. Amazingly, 48% showed recovery. As far as the objective nerve tests, 8% got worse, 67% remained constant and 25% improved.

This study speaks to the incredible power of the body to heal itself and the researchers concluded that conservative treatments therefore, may be all that is needed for many patients. Of course, conservative treatments in medicine can range from doing nothing at all, to rest, to prescription drugs and bracing.

Chiropractic care will involve specific adjustments for the wrist and or the areas that supply the nerves to the wrist, such as the neck. When a problem in the nerve is caused by compression at both the wrist and neck, it is called double-crush syndrome. In addition, strengthening and stretching exercises can add support to the wrist, especially in long term sufferers who may have used excessive bracing, which can produce weakness. Most patients will benefit from a comprehensive approach. Even nutritional adjuncts can benefit some patients, such as taking B6. However, over the long term, taking excessive quantities of vitamin B6 can cause problems for some patients. Being overweight is also an important risk factor for carpal tunnel syndrome, as well as for many other diseases.

To schedule a complimentary consultation and learn how our comprehensive Carpal Tunnel Syndrome program may be of benefit to you or a loved one regaining health, just call our office at 770-777-0900 and visit our website at

Our standard business hours are: Monday, Wednesday and Friday between 2:00 PM and 7:00 PM and Tuesday and Thursday between 10:00 AM and 1:00 PM.

South Forsyth County – Alpharetta-Cumming Chiropractor And Fibromyalgia Doctor Comments:

Fibromyalgia is a complex disease that requires a comprehensive approach. Often, the spine is neglected and chiropractic care is, therefore, underutilized. This seems surprising since so many patients have spinal pain and chiropractic care is one of the most proven treatments for this condition. Chiropractic care of the fibromyalgia patient may also incorporate a structured exercise program utilizing strength training and aerobic components, as well as nutritional adjuncts.

Sound nutrition is one of the keys to vitality. One scientific study
(Altindag O, Celik H. Total antioxidant capacity and the severity of the pain in patients with fibromyalgia. Redox Rep 2006;11(3):131-5.) looked at antioxidant (such as vitamin C and E) markers in the blood of patients who had fibromyalgia symptoms. The researchers wanted to see if patients with low levels of these vitamin markers experienced more pain. The results indicated that patients with fibromyalgia are exposed to oxidative stress and this increased oxidative stress may play a role in the cause of the disease. Supplementation of antioxidant vitamins such as vitamins C and E may be indicated based on the results of the study.

A preliminary study
(Bramwell B, Ferguson S, Scarlett N, Macintosh A. The use of ascorbigen in the treatment of fibromyalgia patients: a preliminary trial. Altern Med Rev 2000;5(5):455-62.) looked at 12 fibromyalgia patients and gave them a blend of vitamin C and broccoli powder. The results suggested that physical impairments were reduced and quality of life was increased.

Vitamins such as C and E can act as antioxidants protecting your cells from damage. They are found in fruits (oranges, strawberries, kiwi) and vegetables (kale, broccoli, bell peppers). Heat and processing can destroy their actions so eating raw forms may be preferred. If you do not eat lots of servings (e.g. five to nine) of these foods every day, it is wise to consider supplementing with natural source vitamins to boost your blood stream antioxidant levels. There is some scientific debate about the benefits of natural versus synthetic vitamins and whether it's best to consume them through primary food sources. The important thing is to take a step in the direction with whatever path you choose. It may make an important difference in how much pain you experience as the above cited studies suggest. With less pain, this may help you to move and exercise more.

To schedule a complimentary consultation and learn how our
comprehensive fibromyalgia program may be of benefit to you or a loved one regaining health, just call our office at 770-777-0900 and visit our website at http://www.painreliefcare.com/

Our standard business hours are: Monday, Wednesday and Friday between 2:00 PM and 7:00 PM and Tuesday and Thursday between 10:00 AM and 1:00 PM.

South Forsyth County – Alpharetta-Cumming Chiropractor And Headache Doctor Comments:

Adults may experience many different kinds of headaches. A primary headache is a headache that is not a part of another disease process. Secondary headaches can come from a poor eyeglass prescription, diabetes, the flu, or even a brain tumor. The most common primary headaches are tension-type, migraine, and cervico-genic (from the neck).

Tension type headaches feel like a tight band around your head. Stress seems to aggravate them and women tend to get this type of headache more frequently. Females are also more affected by migraine headaches.

There are two types of migraine: classical and common. The classical migraine headache may start with nausea or sickness in the stomach and proceed to an intense throbbing pain on one side of the head. The common migraine lacks this nausea and is more common than the classical type.

In cervico-genic headache, neck function is prominently disturbed. In addition to neck pain, there are usually tight neck and shoulder muscles, and a limited range of motion.

Recent research has shown that the three above described headaches can also overlap with one another. In chiropractic, we look to the spine as an often-overlooked factor in headache treatment. By objectively analyzing spine function, the doctor will identify the joints that are restricted in their range of motion or show abnormal posture and alignment. Many patients on x-ray, or through external postural analysis from the side, can show forward head posture. This is where the neck seems to arise from the front of the chest rather than back over your shoulders. The head is very heavy and with this poor posture, the muscles at the back of the neck must contract to restrain this heavy load.

There isn't one particular bone that is treated for these different types of headaches, the premise being that the headache is a symptom of another problem in the spine.

Chiropractic care has an excellent safety profile and several studies have shown that patents with headaches positively respond to chiropractic care without the side effects often seen with drug treatments. Chiropractic care is one of the most researched non-drug options available for patients. Unfortunately, many patients choose over-the-counter and prescription medications and don't consider more natural approaches that may get at the cause of the condition rather than just its effects.

If you'd like to discuss our non-invasive pain relief care approach to headaches, please call our office at 770-777-0900 to schedule a complimentary consultation and visit our website at

Our standard business hours are: Monday, Wednesday and Friday between 2:00 PM and 7:00 PM and Tuesday and Thursday between 10:00 AM and 1:00 PM.

South Forsyth County – Alpharetta-Cumming Chiropractor And Whiplash Doctor Comments:

The nervous system is the master control network for your body, directing virtually every function and action, from monitoring your life needs, to precisely responding to threats to your health.

Each system, from your heart and blood vessels, to your digestive and immune systems, is directed through nerve impulses originating in your brain or spinal cord that travel through its protective bony structure: the spinal column.

The neck region is the most vulnerable region of the spine to injury. Indeed, even death can be brought through significant trauma to the neck. When the trauma is not fatal, the consequences can still be severe, such as when paralysis strikes.

Most people will not experience these severe injuries; however sprains of the delicate ligaments with subluxation (misalignment) do commonly occur. Despite the injury being smaller, their location (the neck) makes their impact more profound. Functions throughout the body can be impaired when the nerves in the upper neck are compromised.

Within chiropractic, there are specialists who focus their entire care on the uppermost two vertebrae of the spine.

Because every nerve passes through the neck, if irritation or compression is present, virtually any system of the body can be affected. The point being is that a neck disorder will not necessarily just cause neck pain or headache. Dizziness, digestive problems, fatigue, high blood pressure and generally reduced quality of life are some of the symptoms patients commonly experience.

If you have suffered a severe whiplash, you may have noticed far more than a stiff neck. Indeed, recent research suggests whiplash needs to more thought of as a whole body disorder.

We take these injuries in our office and address them in both a specific and comprehensive manner. Most patients who have suffered a neck trauma will require x-rays to analyze the posture of their spine. X-rays may also need to be taken in motion to test the stability of your ligaments and to determine precise levels of impaired movements. Without this road map, it is difficult to determine how care should be directed and factors that could influence your long-term prognosis, such as degeneration.

Our health care team is dedicated to drugless natural methods to restore vitality. We try to work with your body with techniques that don't carry the all too common side effects commonly seen with long-term drug use or surgery.

If you'd like to discuss our non-invasive pain relief care approach, please call our office at 770-777-0900 to schedule a complimentary consultation and visit our website at

Our standard business hours are: Monday, Wednesday and Friday between 2:00 PM and 7:00 PM and Tuesday and Thursday between 10:00 AM and 1:00 PM.

Forsyth County – Alpharetta Chiropractor Comments:

Staying healthy is important. But the sad thing is, most people don’t realize what they’ve got ‘til it’s gone. And, for the most part, staying healthy is not as hard as you probably think. Sure, genetics play a certain role in certain health conditions. But many over-exaggerate and blame "poor genetics" for EVERYTHING.

So, here’s a list of things you can do to help live a better and healthier life that is easy… yet can have a dramatic impact in the long run.

1. Stay as active as possible! At first glance, this may sound hard and/or time consuming. But it’s not. You do not have to go join a gym to simply stay active. Simple things like choosing the stairs instead of the elevator every day at work… or… walking your dog an extra block can do wonders. For example, a study published in the Archives of Internal Medicine in 2004 found that adding just 30 minutes of walking per day was enough to prevent weight gain and encourage moderate weight loss. And if 30 minutes is still too big a bite, another study published in Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise, found three brisk 10-minute walks per day were as effective as a daily 30-minute walk in decreasing risk factors for heart disease. Playing catch with your kids is a great option. Or vacuuming the house an extra time each month. Maybe park far away every time you go to the supermarket. And don’t forget – if you sit all day at work, make sure you are taking frequent breaks to get up, stretch and go for a little walk.

2. Take a Saturday afternoon snooze! No… I’m not kidding! Taking a little nap every now and then is great for stress reduction and charges up your batteries so you can be more productive when you are awake. Research has shown we need more sleep than most people get. If you are tired when you wake up, or run out of gas in the afternoon, you are most likely not getting enough quality sleep. Lack of sleep has serious long-term health repercussions, including many diseases and conditions… not to mention feeling miserable all the time and falling asleep behind the wheel of your car! In some cases, a simple 30-minute nap can make all the difference in the world. And if you don’t think you can find 30 minutes a day… do this…

3. Write down everything to do for a week! Yes… EVERYTHING. Why would you do such a thing? You will understand as soon as you do it. It’s amazing how we ALL waste so much of our time. And just as small things you can do for yourself have HUGE long-term impacts… small changes in time management will literally add YEARS to your life. Heck, cutting 20 minutes of wasted time every day gives you 10 extra hours of productive time, every month. When you write everything down, you will (1) be embarrassed by how much time you actually waste every day, and (2) instantly know what you have to do to find 30 minutes for your nap!!! One more "bonus" thing – if you write down every penny you spend next week – you will really be in for a shock!!! But this can be too painful – which is why I made it a "bonus" and not part of the original list!

For more information about our pain relief center and to schedule an appointment with the doctor, please call our office at 770-777-0900 and also visit our website: http://www.painreliefcare.com.

Our standard business hours are: Monday, Wednesday and Friday between 2:00 PM and 7:00 PM and Tuesday and Thursday between 10:00 AM and 1:00 PM.

Forsyth County – Alpharetta Chiropractor Comments:

Most Americans do not get the recommended eight hours of sleep required for good health, safety and optimum performance.

In fact, 63 percent of Americans are sleep deprived. During stressful times -- such as the loss of a loved one, a change in job status or a serious illness -- the numbers of those who suffer from sleep deficiency can be even greater. Ironically, this is the time when a good night's sleep is even more important to facilitate recovery and healing.

The following suggestions may ensure a more peaceful and restorative night's sleep for the entire household. People who suffer from anxiety often have difficulty falling asleep, wake up frequently during the night, arise too early in the morning, or experience un-refreshing sleep. These symptoms of insomnia are fueled by stress, grief, worry and disrupted sleep schedules.

One solution to combating insomnia is to create a restful sleep environment in every bedroom in the house. This includes keeping the temperature cool, the light dim and the bed comfortable.

Choosing a good mattress can make a difference in the quality of sleep you get at night and the way you feel during the day. Most people do not realize their bed can prevent them from sleeping well. Insomniacs might consider alternative sleep surfaces to improve their sleep.

Insomnia can be a forerunner of depression and other health-related problems, so it is important to seek a doctor's advice if symptoms persist. For many involved in a crisis, daytime sleepiness is a frequent problem.

Even if a person is getting the recommended eight hours of sleep a night, stress and emotional fatigue can cause excessive sleepiness and frequent dozing off. This can be especially harmful for adults since daytime sleepiness can lead to health problems or dangerous situations when they drive.

The best solutions for overcoming daytime sleepiness are to stick to a normal sleep routine and get extra rest if your body needs it. When stressed, adults should pay careful attention to what their bodies are telling them, make good judgments about getting to bed earlier and take frequent naps.

For more information about our pain relief center and to schedule an appointment with the doctor, please call our office at 770-777-0900 and also visit our website: http://www.painreliefcare.com.

Our standard business hours are: Monday, Wednesday and Friday between 2:00 PM and 7:00 PM and Tuesday and Thursday between 10:00 AM and 1:00 PM.

Forsyth County – Alpharetta Chiropractor Comments:

Imagine this: You have a joint pain… such as back or neck pain. You go to a rheumatologist – a doctor who treats arthritis and other joint problems. He or she examines you and determines your problem. He or she prescribes a treatment and describes the treatment to you as "a potentially beneficial medicine not typically used for your condition." What Would You Do?

Would you follow his or her recommendations? Probably. And you would probably do it without much question or skepticism at all. Right?

Would THIS information change your decision? According to an October 23, 2008 Associated Press article, a recent survey found about 50% of American doctors REGULARLY give their patients drugs or vitamins that won’t help their condition.

But that’s not the worst part… These "placebo" treatments are not explained to their patients.

For example, in the survey, a random sample of 1,200 internists and rheumatologists were questioned; 679 of the doctors responded to the survey, and… 62% Believed Using A Placebo Treatment Was Ethically Acceptable

But really, is that so bad? After all, some studies have shown the "placebo effect" to be real. A certain percentage of patients actually get better when they believe the treatment they are getting works – when in reality, it is a sugar pill sham. (Which is an amazing testament to the power of your mind and the human body!)

Think about it. Just believing you are going to get better has the ability to make you better. How Can This Be?

Actually, it’s simple. Allow me to explain… Imagine you’re walking in a really dark place. Maybe it’s in the woods… or an unlit street… or you’re home alone one night and all the lights in your house are off… And in the complete darkness… someone sneaks up on you and touches you. Or yells, "BOO!!!"

What happens? Yes… you almost jump out of your skin. But what happens INSIDE YOU?

Here’s what: Your heart rate suddenly and sharply increases. Your pupils dilate. The hair follicles on your body stand on end. Your breathing increases. You stomach feels queasy. You instantly sweat. And you are… Wide Awake And Ready To Go!!!

It’s called the "fight or flight" response. In an instant, your brain signals your body and you produce an incredible array of chemicals – commonly called an "adrenaline rush."

What’s more, anytime you are under stress, your body has a similar response. If the stress or is not so sudden or intense – your body’s response will not be as severe. This is exactly how many people can become "suddenly" ill with a serious disease, even those that seem to have no blatant cause.

Small or moderate amounts of stress can cause your body to dump these "fight or flight" chemicals into your body over and over again for years and years and years. And just like smoking cigarettes over a long period of time can lead to lung cancer and other serious health problems, your body’s reaction to stress can slowly break down your immune system and lead to real problems.

Which is exactly why so many people say… Stress Kills! On the other side of the coin, if your body can produce "bad" chemicals, it can also produce "good" ones. That’s what the placebo effect is. When you believe 100% you are taking a medication that will help, your body reacts in a way that heals.

Here’s one very good theory about why that happens… When you are faced with stress, your body reacts in a harsh way in an attempt to save you from the impending danger. The adrenaline rush is important to quickly get you out of harms way, if necessary.

So it makes complete sense that if you REMOVED stress from your life – you would not only never produce the harmful chemicals from the fight or flight reaction – but your body may produce healing chemicals instead.

After all, what happens when you get a placebo? You are sick and stressed out because you are sick. You don’t know if it is serious, if you will get better or if you will get worse. We humans have a tendency to let our minds run crazy and always think of the worst case scenario, don’t we?

I’m sure you’ve had a little ache or pain at some point and thought you had a disease you were going to lose a limb or die from… and then it turned out to be NOTHING!!! We all have. Anyway, back to the placebo effect. When you go to the doctor and he tells you he knows what is wrong with you and gives you something to take care of it – you instantly RELAX.

All the stress and strain of the unknown mystery disease that was going to kill you is gone. Not only is the stress removed, but your body is able to relax and do what it does best… Heal!

So… the placebo effect is a good thing, right? Certainly. But there is an ethical question to all this, that was raised in the above-mentioned survey. You see, for the placebo effect to work, you really have to believe 100% you are receiving a treatment that works.

Can you see the catch 22 for doctors here? In order for the placebo effect to work… They Must Lie To You!

And that’s exactly what the survey found. According to the Associated Press article, "Half of the doctors reported using placebos several times a month, nearly 70 percent of those described the treatment to their patients as ‘a potentially beneficial medicine not typically used for your condition.’ Only 5 percent of doctors explicitly called it a placebo treatment."

And here’s what may be shocking: "Most doctors used actual medicines as a placebo: 41 percent used painkillers, 38 percent used vitamins, 13 percent used antibiotics, 13 percent used sedatives, 3 percent used saline injections, and 2 percent used sugar pills."

When questioned, 60% of doctors said they would prescribe a sugar pill for chronic pain if it had been shown to work better than no treatment.

According to the AP article, Franklin G. Miller, one of the authors of the study and director of the research ethics program at the U.S. National Institutes for Health said, "It’s a disturbing finding. There is an element of deception here which is contrary to the principle of informed consent."

Clearly, there are two BIG issues here: Always doing what’s best for your patients and always informing them everything that is going on. You may ask yourself this: Would you rather receive a placebo and not know about it and get better… or… be 100% informed and stay sick? Only you can answer that question.

But on the bright side – this demonstrates the body’s amazing ability to produce whatever it needs to heal itself. And more of your time and effort should be spent on eliminating all the stresses in your life – and focusing on all the wonderful things life has to offer. There is no doubt you will be happier… and healthier!!!

For more information about our non-drug pain relief center or to schedule an appointment with the doctor, please call our office at 770-777-0900 and also visit our website: http://www.painreliefcare.com.

Our standard business hours are: Monday, Wednesday and Friday between 2:00 PM and 7:00 PM and Tuesday and Thursday between 10:00 AM and 1:00 PM.

The Many “Faces” of Whiplash

Forsyth County – Alpharetta Chiropractor And Whiplash Doctor Comments:

Motor vehicle collisions (MVC), usually result in injuries to the neck and upper back. However, there are often other complaints that can occur immediately or after a delayed time frame. The mechanism of injury or, "how did the accident happen?" is very important to discuss in detail.

For example, a low speed crash such as 5-10 mph may not result in much damage to the car. However when this occurs, the contents inside the car are jostled and thrown about more than if there had been car damage. This is because the impact was too slow to dent or crush the metal and the energy of the crash was not absorbed but rather, transferred to the contents inside the car – that is, the passengers.

Another cause might be a roll over accident. If a person is suspended upside down in the vehicle, injury can occur from the seat belt, from falling from the seat upon releasing the seat belt, cuts or scrapes from broken glass, and so on. Many people involved in MVC’s are initially in "shock" and may not realize they are hurt until hours or days later. Upon rising the next morning, a significant increase in pain intensity often prompts the person to seek emergency room care where medications are usually prescribed and a "wait and watch" recommendation is given.

Within the initial several days to a week, gradual increases of pain and other symptoms such as headaches, dizziness, "foggy thinking," and loss of appetite due to the high pain intensity can occur, and the person may then visit a chiropractic clinic, as the "waiting and watching" approach just doesn’t make sense.

The initial examination findings often reveal significant muscle spasms and pinching of the nerves in the upper part of the neck, resulting in headaches. Patients may have difficulty describing their complaints including problems communicating with others such as, "I just can't find the words I want to use." This lack of mental clarity is often caused by a concussion and can last weeks to months. Some patients do well and may feel 50-75% better after 3-6 weeks of chiropractic treatment with respect to neck pain and headache intensity and frequency but of course, this varies from patient to patient. During this time, exercises are usually given to help stretch the tight muscles and strengthen the weak muscles in the neck and upper back region. Temporary work restrictions may be required, especially if the patient had not been able to work prior to seeking chiropractic treatment. A quick return to work is usually very important.

Hence, a "wait and watch" approach usually does not work very well. In addition, the use of medications may prohibit being able to drive a car or adequately function at work. Certain medications can also affect a person's ability to responsibly manage their children. It can be very confusing for many people when trying to decide from whom they should seek treatment after a whiplash injury.

The primary goal of the chiropractic physician is to achieve a reduction in symptoms and return the patient to a productive, functional lifestyle as quickly as possible. We sincerely appreciate the trust that our patient's place in us when choosing our clinic to treat their problems associated with motor vehicle accidents and whiplash.

For more information or to schedule a consultation with the doctor, please call our office at 770-777-0900 and also visit our website: http://www.painreliefcare.com.

Our standard business hours are: Monday, Wednesday and Friday between 2:00 PM and 7:00 PM and Tuesday and Thursday between 10:00 AM and 1:00 PM.

Low Back Pain And Its Many Causes!!!

Forsyth County – Alpharetta Chiropractor And Back Pain Doctor Comments:

Low back pain (LBP) is one of the most common complaints presenting to our office and remains one of the most challenging conditions to manage because there are so many causes of LBP. Some of the causes include the obvious such as over lifting, over use activities such as sports injuries (bowling, golfing, skiing, tennis, football, etc.), raking leaves, shoveling snow, and more.

Frequently, work related strains are the primary cause of LBP due to the constant, persistent and awkward positions frequently required in many jobs, especially in repetitive motion assembly line work.

The cause can also be as simple as standing on 2 feet vs. 4 feet. Studies show when 2 legged and 4 legged animals are compared, arthritis starts in the 3rd vs. the 6th decade of life, respectively due to the vertical load placed on the biped or 2-legged animal. In spite of this, after sharing this information with patients, I have not been successful in convincing them to start walking on all fours!

Because we are a 2-legged species, addressing a short leg can have significant benefits to any spinal condition. This is because a short leg of only 5mm (1/4 inch) can result in a drop in the pelvis resulting in crooked foundation that the spine sits on, creating a curvature in the spine. This places stress on the spinal components including the spinal cord and nerves and can contribute or be the actual cause of not only LBP, but also problems higher in the spine including neck pain and headaches!

Many times, a satisfying outcome is not achieved until I address the leg length issue by the use of heel or a combination of heel & sole lifts. If a leg is short, the effects at the top – that is, the neck and head, are dramatically affected. In one case, treatment to the neck and head had little effect on his headaches and only after placing a heel lift in one shoe and arch support in both shoes did he feel significantly improved.

In most cases, treatment addressing the entire body from the feet up yields the most satisfying results. Also, secondary issues such as diet, stress management, home treatments including exercises, can be very important in the successful management of back pain. In many patients, a combination of chiropractic, leg length correction, and nutritional management including the use of vitamin and herbs resulted in the best approach results.

Usually, offering the patient advice on the methods of applying ice, modifying/reducing bending/ lifting activities, as well as performing the chiropractic treatment will satisfy the majority of patients. However, in some cases, co-management with other allied health care providers is necessary, especially where there is a slow response in the initial acute stage of LBP. If these less common cases should occur, the combination of chiropractic and primary care yields the best results.

In our clinic, we offer a multidimensional, holistic approach to the treatment of low back pain so that a positive, satisfying outcome is achieved.

For more information or to schedule a consultation with the doctor, please call our office at 770-777-0900 and also visit our website: http://www.painreliefcare.com.

Our standard business hours are: Monday, Wednesday and Friday between 2:00 PM and 7:00 PM and Tuesday and Thursday between 10:00 AM and 1:00 PM.